Xiuying 'Alice' Liu    (Human Female Martial Artist)
Character Information   
Name: Xiuying 'Alice' Liu XP/Next lvl: 0 / 19
Class: Martial Artist HP:curr/max 5 / 5
Alignment: Grit 1 AC:reg/rear/no shield 6 / 6 / 6
Race: Human Level: Novice
Age: 17 Height: 5' 3'
Weight: 110 lbs Gender: Female
Encumbrance: Movement: 60'
Languages: Chinese, English (d4)
Ability Scores   
STR: 6 (Strength)
INT: 4 (Smarts)
WIS: 6 (Spirit)
DEX: 8 (Agility)
CON: 6 (Vigor)
CHR: 0 (Charisma)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:


Description and Background   
Small, pretty Chinese girl in her late teens. She wears 'traditional' Chinese clothes. She keeps her pair of swords wrapped in a blanket when she doesn't want them to be noticed, otherwise they hang from her sword belt.

The Liu family came to California to escape persecution in China. Initially, her father and brother's worked on one of the railways being built but after the Great Quake of '68, the family moved east to Denver, where her family opened a laundry. Because of the rough nature of the American West, Xiuying's father, a martial arts master, included his daughter when he taught his sons his art of fighting so she could defend herself. Though she isn't stupid, Xiuying has been very sheltered growing up so she is quite naive about the world. Recently Xiuying has been accused of a crime she didn't commit. However, because she is Chinese she has been presumed guilty by the authorities. Xiuying grabbed what she could and calling herself Alice, she got on the first train west to escape the accusation and to try to protect her family.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Chinese short sword (Saber) 1 - d6+d6/ n n
Unarmed 1 d6/ n n
Qty Item Location
2 Chinese short sword (saber) Belt (4lb)
1 Loose shotgun shot Pouch (1lb)
1 Chinese blouse Backpack (1lb)
1 Chinese trousers Backpack (2lb)
1 Chinese shoes Backpack (1lb)
1 Swordbelt and pouches Wearing
1 Ladies riding hat Strapped to backpack
1 Backpack Strapped to saddle (3lb)
1 Bedroll Strapped to saddle (10lb)
1 Canteen Strapped to backpack (5lb)
1 File Belt (1lb)
4 Trail rations Saddlebag (3lb)
1 Mess kit Saddlebag (3lb)
100 Matches Pouch (1/4lb)
1 Black hide 'cowgirl' hat Wearing
1 Button down blouse Wearing
2 Button down blouse Backpack (1lb)
1 Vest Wearing
1 Trousers Wearing
1 Skirt Backpack (2lb)
1 Corset Backpack (2lb)
1 Fancy dress Backpack (6lb)
1 Boots Wearing
1 Buckskin fringe jacket Wearing
1 Chestnut mare (Copper)
2 Saddlebags Strapped to saddle (5lb)
1 Forage Saddlebag (20lb)
1 Horse treats (apples, carrots, sugercubes, whatever was available) Saddlebag
1 Small telescope Backpack

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 0 0 380 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
20 Power Points
3 Fate Points

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
1 Standard pocket watch Pouch (1/2lb)
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Level 4
Knowledge (English)

Level 6
Chi Power: Bolt
Chi Power: Deflection

Level 8

Clueless (Major): Alice grew up rather sheltered and is somewhat naive. She isn't as aware of the world as most others. She suffers a -2 penalty to Common Knowledge rolls.

Outsider (Minor): She is a Chinese girl in the Old West. -2 Charisma from most non-Chinese.

Wanted (Minor): Alice is wanted for a crime she didn't commit. There is a 1d6 x $100 bounty on her head.
Arcane Background (Chi Mastery): Super Kung Fu powers. Two starting powers, 20 Power Points.

Attractive: She's purty. +2 Charisma

Martial Arts: Alice's body is a finely honed weapon so, even when she fights unarmed, she is considered armed. In addition, opponents in melee combat never benefit from any gang-up bonus against her.
Chi Powers
Seize the Pearl of Death (Deflection)
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 (1/round)
With a standard success, attackers must subtract 2 from any Fighting, Shooting, or other attack rolls directed at the user. A raise increases the penalty to -4. This also acts as Armor against area effect weapons. If the attack misses, the martial artist may make an immediate Agility roll at -6 for bullets or -4 for thrown weapons. If successful, she hurls the projectile back at the original target for Str+d6 damage.

Stones Fly From the Hand (Bolt)
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1-6
Range: 12/24/48
Duration: Instant
Hurls pebbles or other small projectiles at a target. The Bolt skill roll is used as the attack roll, and the base damage is 2d6.
Additional Bolts: She may cast up to 3 bolts by spending a like amount of Power Points. This must be decided before the power is cast. The bolts may be spread among targets as she chooses. Firing the additional bolts does not incur any attack penalties.
Additional Damage: She may also increase the damage to 3d6 by doubling the Power Point cost per bolt. This may be combined with the additional bolts, so firing 3 bolts of 3d6 damage costs 6 Power Points.
Work in progress
Clothing and weapons weigh 15 lbs
Backpack and items in or on the backpack weigh 34 lbs