Pastor Flannigan    (Human Male )
Character Information   
Name: Pastor Flannigan XP/Next lvl: /
Class: HP:curr/max 4 / 0
Alignment: Grit 1 AC:reg/rear/no shield 2 / 0 / 0
Race: Human Level:
Age: 65 Height: 6'1
Weight: 210 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: 24lbs (worn) Movement: 50
Languages: English
Ability Scores   
STR: 4 (d4 (max))
INT: 8 (d8)
WIS: 10 (d10)
DEX: 4 (d4)
CON: 4 (d4 (max))
CHR: 2 (Charismatic edge)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:


Description and Background   

Pastor Flannigan came over as a boy from Ireland and worked his way to the West. The rough lad was taken under wing by a Methodist circuit preacher and then took his own vows to the cloth as well. He was in California for the sundering and ended up based in the City of Lost Angels. He had a powerful calling, and as he says, 'God qualifies the called, he doesn't call the qualified.' His advanced years have only made him more tenatious and wily. He has learned more about the horrors afflicting the land than most and it is only the Grace of God that heals his saddle sores and keeps him moving on to face the Devil's works.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Double-barreled Shotgun - 12/24/48 1-3d6/ n n 20 2 Shots; +2 Shooting rolls
Qty Item Location
1 Holy Bible coat pocket
1 Spectacles face
1 Black wool suit worn
1 Black, tooled cowboy boots worn
1 Derby hat worn
1 Black duster overcoat worn
1 Bedroll carpetbag
1 Mess kit carpetbag
1 Box of Matches (100) carpetbag
6 Trail Rations (days) carpetbag
1 Canteen (water) carpetbag
1 Double-barreled shotgun carpetbag
20 Shotgun Shells (in box) coat pocket
1 Large Carpet Bag carried
1 Gold watch Waistcoat pocket
1 Longjohns carpetbag
2 Black Trousers carpetbag
3 White Work Shirts carpetbag
4 Coffee (lbs) carpetbag
2 Black Dress Shirts carpetbag
1 Bar of Laundry Soap carpetbag
1 Tin Coffee Pot carpetbag
1 Black Dress Shoes carpetbag

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 135 0 0 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Level 4
Guts (Spirit)
Healing (Smarts)
Investigation (Smarts)
Riding (Agility)
Shooting (Agility)
Streetwise (Smarts)

Level 6
Intimidation (Spirit)

Level 8
Knowledge-Occult (Smarts)
Notice (Smarts)
Persuasion (Spirit)

Level 10
Faith (Spirit)

Elderly [Major]
Your adventurer is getting on in years, but he’s not quite ready for the nursing home. His Pace is reduced by 1, and his Strength and Vigor drop a die type to a minimum of d4, and cannot be raised thereafter. On the plus side, the wisdom of his years grants the hero 5 extra skill points that may be used for any skills linked to Smarts.

Bad Eyes (Glasses) [Minor]
If he loses his glasses, takes a -2 penalty to shoot or notice something more than 5' (10 yards) distant.

Lyin' Eyes [Minor]
Lies just don’t come easy to this hombre. That sounds all good and noble, but often causes problems when dealing with more nefarious types. A hero with this Hindrance suffers a –2 penalty to all Intimidation and Persuasion rolls where lies— even little white ones—must be told. What’s worse, if your hero is planning to make his money playing poker, the penalty also applies to bluffing (that’s –2 to your Gambling rolls in a poker game as well, compadre)!
Arcane Background (Miracles)
Certain characters can call upon the power of their deity (or deities) for aid. In the Weird West, these pious souls are called the blessed. Blessed are nuns, priests, or even average but (relatively) pure-hearted folks blessed by a divine entity. Though rare in the Weird West, there are also blessed imams, Buddhist monks, and others of faith running around with higher powers covering their holy backsides. When these folks behave themselves, they can sometimes
invoke miracles to help them fight the evils of the Weird West. For details on playing one of these crusaders, see page 72, where you’ll fi nd some extra Edges available only to the Blessed.

Some holy rollers seem to have the ear of the Almighty, and this lucky cuss seems to be just one such individual. He’s more successful than most when petitioning the Lord with prayer, and his humble calls for divine assistance are answered regularly. This hero gains a +2 modifi er to all Faith rolls made to call down miracles.

Your hero has learned how to work with others, even those who might be somewhat opposed to him or his efforts. This adds +2 to his Charisma.
($8 remaining, 24lbs worn. Saddlebags: 13lbs gear, 18lbs food, 5lbs water)

Double Barrel Shotgun (12/24/48) 1-3d6, $35, 8lbs, 2 shots, +2 Shooting Rolls.
Shotgun shells (20) $2
Horse, Spectacles, Suit (6lb), Boots (4lb), Duster (4lb), Derby, Bedroll (10lb), Mess Kit (3), Matches (box of 100), Saddle Bags (5lbs), six days trail rations (18lbs), canteen of water
While eternity is available to all Christians when they pass to Judgment, the Good Book is silent on what happens to a soul twisted and held here by heathen magics and not allowed to pass as the Good Lord said. His worst fear is having his soul trapped here in the form of the twisted undead he faces.
+2 to Persuasion [Charismatic]
+2 Streetwise [Charismatic]
+2 Faith rolls for Miracles [Conviction]
+2 to Shooting [Shotgun]
-2 to Intimidation or Persuasion if lying [Lying Eyes]
-2 to Shoot or Notice if missing his glasses.
Other Notes
One of the old newspaper cuttings certainly catch your attention. It concerns some rail digging through a hillside exposing a large skeleton. A picture of two miners stand next to the bones. The skeleton towers above them by several feet with enlarged bones and skull. At least twice a man's height. Another picture shows some dug up relics, trinkets and pottery. The buckle displays a symbol you think was used in a mysterious cult known as the 'Sons of Nimrod' and are reminded on biblical texts in Genesis regarding the Nephilim.
No power points. Make a prayer and roll Faith.
-2 Novice, -4 Seasoned, etc.
Base duration. On a raise, double duration.
On a failure, gain a Fatigue level.
(Remove fatigue with 3hrs/level contemplation or good nights sleep)
On a 1, crisis of faith. -1 die size until a miracle is success.

Aim (Novice)
Armor (Novice)
Barrier (Seasoned)
Beast Friend (Novice)
Boost/Lower Trait (Novice)
- 'Bless/Curse'
Deflection (Novice)
Detect/Conceal Arcana (Novice)
Dispel (Seasoned)
Elemental Manipulation (Novice)
- Air and Water only
Entangle (Novice)
Environmental Protection (Novice)
Exorcism (Veteran)
Gambler (Seasoned)
- 'Holy Roller'
Greater Healing (Veteran)
Healing (Novice)
Inspiration (Novice)
Light (Novice)
Protection (Novice)
- Gain +2 if brandishing the Bible
Quickness (Seasoned)
- 'Godspeed'
Sanctify (Novice)
- Takes a week to make holy ground
Smite (Novice)
Speak Language (Novice)
- 'Tongues'
Stun (Novice)
- 'A thunderclap!'
Succor (Novice)
Wilderness Walk (Novice)
Windstorm (Novice)