Rourke    (Human Male Cowpoke Gunslinger )
Character Information   
Name: Rourke XP/Next lvl: 0 / 19
Class: Cowpoke Gunslinger HP:curr/max 6 / 6
Alignment: Grit 1 AC:reg/rear/no shield 5 / 5 / 5
Race: Human Level: Novice
Age: 35 Height: 6'1
Weight: 190lbs Gender: Male
Encumbrance: Movement: 60'ft
Languages: English
Ability Scores   
STR: 6 (Strength)
INT: 6 (Smarts)
WIS: 4 (Spirit )
DEX: 8 (Agility )
CON: 8 (Vigour )
CHR: 0 (Charisma)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:


Description and Background   
Tall and lean. Black hair and long black moustache. Green eyes seen beneath a black cowboy hat.

Wanted for minor offences that he disputes, Rourke blends in as much as he can to the arch typical cowboy image, Stetson hat, waistcoat, check shirt and riding chaps over his trousers. He wears a holstered six gun and is most often found in dubious saloons playing cards.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Large knife 1 / n n
Colt Peacemaker 1 12/24/48 2d6+1/ n n Single action. Fan at -4
Qty Item Location
1 Long John's underwear Worn
1 Spurred heeled Cuban boots, Centrecrease stetson, trousers, workshirt, buckskin jacket and chaps Worn
1 Camel coloured Duster Worn
1 Gun belt and quick draw holster Waist
3 Speed loading cylinders Belt
2 Lanterns and oil x 6 Saddle bag
1 Bedroll and Backpack Shoulder
3 Packs of playing cards and dice Pocket
1 Rope (20 yards) Coiled on backpack
6 Trail rations Saddle bag
4 Water canteens Backpack
1 Colt Peacemaker (single action) Holster
50 Ammo for pistol Belt
1 Smart charcoal black woolen three piece suit Backpack
1 Springfield 58' Rifle & 50 ammo cartridges. Saddle bag
1 Mess tins and tinderbox, skillet Saddle bag
1 Skinning knife Waist belt

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 188 0 0 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location
2 Fate points
1 Greased Lightening pills (1 dose) Waist

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
1 Standard pocket watch Waistcoat
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Level 4
Gambling (Smarts)
Guts (Spirit)
Stealth (Agility)
Swimming (Agility)

Level 6
Fighting (Agility)
Notice (Smarts)
Riding (Agility)
Shooting (Agility)
Taunt (Smarts)
Throwing (Agility)

Character Hindrances
Rourke suffers from the Bad Luck Hindrance (Major). This means that he is more unlucky than most and starts each session with a -1 Fate or Benefit chip.

Rourke has the Wanted (Minor) Hindrance. This means he is wanted by the Law for minor criminal offences.

Rourke has the Vow (Minor) Hindrance. Brought up an orphan, he has vowed to 'do good' on behalf of the fatherless and tithes what income he has to any local orphanage or charitable cause. The poor side of this is that he rises in anger when he sees abuse such as kids shouted at or smacked.

Character Edges
Rourke has the Quick Draw (Combat Edge). This edge allows a hero to draw a weapon as a free action and thus ignore the -2 multi-action penalty for firing in the same round as well. If a character must make an Agility roll to draw a weapon (pg 74), he may add a +2 to this roll as well.

Rourke took an advance in Agility die type as a 2 point compensation for a major Hindrance.

Rourke has the Ambidextrous Edge. This allows him to ignore the -2 penalty for using 'off hand' weapons.

Character Nightmares
Rourke's main worst nightmare is being hog tied to a wagon wheel and cooked over a fire and eaten by hungry settlers.