Endor Finn    (Half-Orc Male Thief)
Character Information   
Name: Endor Finn XP/Next lvl: 0 / 1251
Class: Thief HP:curr/max 2 / 2
Alignment: Neutral AC:reg/rear/no shield 7 / 7 / 7
Race: Half-Orc Level: 1
Age: 30 Height: 5' 8
Weight: 160 Gender: Male
Encumbrance: 53,5 lb Movement: 60'/20'
Languages: common, orc
Ability Scores   
STR: 8 (+1 racial; -1 to hit/damage)
INT: 5 (Unable to read and write)
WIS: 10 ()
DEX: 13 (-1 AC, +1 to hit, +5 thief skills)
CON: 13 (+1 racial; +1 HP)
CHR: 7 (-2 racial; +1 reaction, max retainers 3 with morale 6)

Saving Throws   
Death, Paralysis,
Rod, Staff
or Wand:
Breath: Spell:
12 11 13 14 12

Notes: *thieves get a +2 bonus to all saving throws

Description and Background   
Tall, robust, ugly and dumb, Endor is the worst thing you can meet in a dark alleyway. Wearing a relatively new set of leather armor and an adequately but noticeably hidden array of weapons, he's more thug than traveller.

Half-orc A half-orc has three options: stay with his human parent and live a life on the sidelines of whatever village he was born in, constantly reminded of his origin; return to the orc tribe that sired him and try to claw his way up from the very bottom of the rung there (mostly by martial feats); or move as soon as possible to a different human town, where people will regard you as an ugly stranger. This latter is the story of young Endor Finn, not yet educated in the art of the written word, fleeing from the home that gave him nothing but scorn. Huntsman Having nowhere to go, for almost a year he wandered through the forests, honing his skills with the sling, hunting whatever little critters he could eat. Until he was cought and sentenced for poaching, ending up in the prison of Mountshade. Thief While in prison, ha met people he now calls friends, satirically. The introduced him to new ways to hone his dexterity, by taking what's not his, including lives. Swearing fealty to the Shadow Hands, he non the less left Moutshade the moment he was let out of prison.

Weapon Att/Rnd Range Speed Damage sm/l Spec. Dbl. spec. THAC0 Projectiles
Axe, hand 1 10 1d6/ n n 1
Dagger 1 10 1d4/ n n 2
Crossbow, heavy 1 80 1d8/ n n 20
Sling 1 40 1d4/ n n 10
Qty Item Location
1 Leather armour worn
2 dagger thigh
1 sling belt
1 Crossbow, heavy shoulder
20 Heavy quarrels belt
1 Axe, hand small of back
1 Bullets, sling sack
1 Thieves tools sack
1 Bedroll
2 Rations, trail (per day, preserved)
1 Rope, hemp (50 ft.)
2 Sack, small (one full) belt
1 Sack, large (empty)
2 Waterskin belt
2 Beer, pint waterskin
2 water, pint waterskin

Wealth   Enter negative number to subtract
0 3 0 4 0
Magic Items
Qty Item Location

Gems and Jewelry
Qty Item Location
Memorized Spells

Spell Book

Current: 12

Every time you encounter certain of the Barrowmaze's denizens (I will let you know), save versus spells adding your Wisdom modifier or lose 1d3 Sanity. Other effects can decrease Sanity, too.
Thief skills
Pick Locks: 31 +5 +5 = 41
Find and Remove Traps: 23 +5 +5 = 33
Pick Pockets: 37 -5 +5 = 37
Move Silently: 37 +5 = 42
Climb Walls: 90 +5 +5 = 100
Hide in Shadows: 27 +5 = 32
Hear Noise: 1-3
read languages (any): 80
Racial traits
-60' infravision
-detect hidden and secret doors with a roll of 1-2 on 1d6
Fate points
Current: 1

You can spend a Fate Point to reroll any roll, or to make me reroll any roll. But the second roll stands, even if it's worse for you.
Harker: 'Oh and Endor, I counted all the coins into the jar and I will count them all out again when back in town. For each coin missing I am going to take a finger.'